How To Generate Leads Like A Pro

How To Generate Leads Like A Pro

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Most who join a business have limited to no marketing or advertising experience. Those who I do know that have a sales background make up for their lead generation shortfalls with awesome closing skills. Most people do NOT have these skills so if your looking to grow a business you better be able to learn how to generate leads like a pro.

For the most part many will struggle and that is just the natural path to growing into being in business for yourself. Many will buy ebooks and join systems to get going.

I would say the #1 place to get going has to be with My Lead System Pro. (more…)

Generate Leads

Wanna Generate Leads?

For the most part many have no clue how to generate leads. One might think spamming people all over the net about their business is a good way to do that. Or better yet buying them.

Look, I'm not saying buying leads are a bad way to build a business as I still today buy them. You just need to be careful on not buying BAD ones and keeping the cost and return in check. Instead, I want to focus on how to generate leads vs buying them outright.Generate Leads So we will touch on buying leads on another post.

Generate Leads Using Facebook PPC

If you haven't been through My Lead System Pro, Facebook PPC training is a must if  you want to get a giant step up on your competition. To check out the training below

Facebook PPC Training <–

This is the preferred method to generate leads today for a home based business. With the constant changes to Google PPC and how Yahoo and Bing merger really messed up the traffic I would only recommend Facebook PPC as a method to Generate Leads for ppc at this point. There are others and the returns generally won't be as large but if you had to focus on ONE I would say Facebook.


If your looking to Generate Leads on the cheap end….. (more…)

Frys Electronics Customer Failure

Frys Electronics = Customer Failure

If you are unfamiliar with Frys Electronics, it is one of those large electronic stores that sells everything from dvds, tvs, and even vacuum cleaners. Until recently there was not one close to where I lived and the trek there was at least 40 miles. With the closures of Circuit City and CompUSA, Frys Electronics has been building up a good fan base here in SouthWest Houston.

Frys Electronics – In The Beginning For Me

One of the unique aspects of Frys Electronics is that most of the stores you will see will have a very unique entry way. The one in north houston has a oil rig theme and the one  in Austin has a huge piano coming out from the sign. (more…)

My Lead System Pro Recorded Wake Up Call March 3

Here is my wake up call I conducted for My Lead System Pro March 3, 2011

This morning I want to tie into some of the things I learned from playing football.  I played all throughMy Lead System Pro middle school and high school; I’m a small Asian dude, I played offensive line, I bulked up 30lbs over the summer to only hit 215lbs so I was really small.  The average is about 290lbs-320lbs, not necessarily rock solid muscle like the NFL but they were big dudes and my parents were always worried I would get killed.  The reason I played and that I was able to play is that I am nasty.  I am not going to let some guy push me around just because he is bigger than me.  They might get me sometimes, but if you have technique, it will always win.


Numis Network 5 Year Buy Back

Numis Network just took a massive dump in the lap of other network marketing companies.

What am I smoking?

What if I told you that you could buy something and if you didn't like it the company would buy it back in 60 months?Numis Network

Yeah I know. WTF!

Who the heck in their right mind will allow buy back of autoships right?

How can a company even CONSIDER buying back a product… I'll tell  you why at the bottom of this post.

Yes – I'm With Numis Network (more…)