seo-896175_1920There are lots of ways to increase the revenue your website generates. Some inbound marketing experts recommend adding an sms message service in order to reach new audiences more effectively. However, before you add automated sms to your funnel, it's worth making sure that you are doing everything possible to grow your website's traffic, and profitability, as organically as possible.

SEO is seen as an almost-magical process to some, but the reality is that there are some fairly straightforward things you can do to improve the number of keywords your website ranks for. According to industry experts, link building continues to be one of the most important things you can do to improve the SEO of your website.

Generates additional traffic

First, and most obviously, is the fact that links will drive additional traffic to your website. This is common sense since any traffic that goes to the site or page that linked to you will probably see the link itself. Some of that traffic will decide to click on that link, which directly translates into traffic. If link building only provided this benefit, it would still be worth investing time (and potentially money) into gaining links.

Build relationships in your industry

Another sometimes forgotten benefit of link building is the fact that it typically requires interaction with webmasters or editors of other sites. It also follows that websites you're reaching out to are probably in some way related to your own industry. Whether they are journalistic publications, industry bloggers, or just websites in the same general space, reaching out to these websites for a link-building request opens the conversation the same way you might start one at an industry networking event.

This process can help generate opportunities you might have never even known could exist!

Strong signal to Google

Per most important is the strong signal that high-quality links provide to Google. Every few months, Google changes their ranking algorithm to make it more accurate and useful for users. While no one outside of Google really knows the precise metrics that Google uses to measure websites, one metric that has consistently remained a strong signal is high-quality links being created on a regular basis.

High-quality links are one of Google's most reliable ways of determining that you are a reputable website, and should therefore show up on SERPs for a growing number of keywords.

Improves the authority of your website

Having links also increases your “Domain Authority”. This is related to Google SERPs, but also extends beyond that. There are lots of ranking sites out there, from SimilarWeb to SEMRush to Majestic SEO, all of which rank websites based on their domain authority. By earning links you'll consistently be pushed to the top of those rankings, which in turn increases your website's (and brand's) authority, and by extension, your ability to convert and monetize.

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Sophorn Chay

Sophorn is an inbound marketing specialist at Inboundo, who believes that we are only a true extension of your team if we bring the skills, the education, the help and the transparency to ensure your success.


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